Sunday 4 March 2018

Access Approval Plot No Durrani House

Date  : 16th March, 2010

Ref.    : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
M/s. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   
P. O. Box: xxxxxxxxxx
Tel: xxxxxxxxxxxFax: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Attn.           :         General Manager

Project        :         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Location     :         Islamabad

Subject       :         Access Approval Plot No Durrani House

Dear Sir,

With reference to your letter and to the signed Tenant Access Approval Form regarding the above mentioned subject, we have no objection to proceed with your activities at site as per the submitted drawing and complied with the comments mentioned in the approval form. We hereby attached the shop drawings for the existing service protections and required future ducts for your entrance. 

You are fully responsible for the aforementioned works in case of any damages occurs and all the works shall be under our supervision. In the mean time, you shall approach the other utility providers such as NASA Power, Water and Telecom for further clearance.

For any further details/clarifications and before commencing your activity at site please contact undersigned.

This is forwarded for your information and further action.

Thanks and best regards,
For your company name

Mrs. Huda Noman Malik
Area Director
Encl: As Stated Above
Cc:      Head Officer


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